
Saturday 21 February 2009

Can YOU help???


Ok everyone,you all know me,if I see something worth while,then I shout about it.

I kept seeing this pink car around Craven,plastered in stickers,I read them a few times in Morrisons car park...poor lass I thought,I know what shes going through,so......whats it all about???........

Its about Julie and other sufferers and bone marrow and blood transfusions and fund raising and awareness and and and PHEW................ ok log onto her supporters website and see what YOU can do....go on....ya kna ya wanna!!!!


Also,while you are all doing nothing hahaha....log onto here and light a candle for friends.....

Light a candle dont forget search groups (top left) my group is P.A.T

Dont forget to hold down Ctrl (bottom left of keyboard) as you left click links,or you will get booted off the page....but ya knew that didn't ya???

God bless

Monday 16 February 2009

Monday 16th Feb

Hello there,
Just back from seeing the consultant Dr.Raashed,nice chap,he was really pleased about the ultra sound last Thursday and no need for lymph node biopsy.

The scan pictures the week prior,looked,as I said to a few of you,quite blotchy,well,he said it was the lung that had really been radically fried,and therefore it was not possible to detect any tumour growth or not,so,to be on the safe side,he wants me in hospital for a bronchoscope (camera down,and samples) on 24th of this month.
Its the only way he can be sure whats going on.
He has meetings with my team on the Friday,and if the broncho is clear,he will see me in 3 months for more tests,if not,he will telephone me to attend the clinic to see him on the Monday.
So....fingers crossed again.
Cheers,thanks for all the good wishes
love you all.

Saturday 14 February 2009

February 14th 2009

Happy Saint Valentines Day.... Love is all around you (dont forget to hold down Ctrl key (bottom left corner) before left clicking a link,or you will leave the page)

Just thought you might be interested that at 11am GMT today,it is 40 years since I left the Royal Navy....

Have a good day everyone.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Thursday 12th

Well my friends,today I had to go for my ultra sound and needle biopsy on my lymph nodes that arer swollen on my neck.
After a really good ultra sound reading,the radiographer said the lymph looks clear of any cancer or tumour mass of any description and all he can see is enlarged salaver glands.
We think that,when they did intense radiotherapy,it also fried some of my gullet as previously mentioned,causing nausia and sickness,although that is getting to be less of a problem lately.
Along with the nausia is an excess of salaver,so I think the glands have been over worked.
But thank the lord no spread of cancer cells,and thank YOU all too for your continued prayers,my life is in your hands,bless you all

P.S. Appointment is through to see Dr Raashed on Monday coming at 1100am...will find out scan results.

Monday 9 February 2009

Wasted journey?

Well...its Monday,I went all that way to see the consultant,he said hello,good morning,did you have your scan?,I said yes,and I have a biopsy on Thursday...which Thursday?,he said...THIS Thursday said I...OH!...ok....I better see you NEXT Monday,sorry for the confusion.


More fingers crossed please .............. as it stops nail biting lol

Saturday 7 February 2009

Thursday's mail


As I said last week,Dr Raashed told me,if any abnormalities show up on the scans again,especially the lymph nodes on my neck which are swelling quite a lot,then he will order a biopsy.

Todays mail brought appointment for biopsies on Thursday 12th at 1130,(day before Friday the 13th) lol....good job I am not superstitious touch wood touch wood shakespeare,click fingers, hahaha

I expect he will tell me all about the scans on Monday when I see him next.......

More fingers crossed please...(bet you lot are getting fed up)