
Monday 23 March 2009


Well..... these steroids... they make me insomniac,been awake since 3am,its 0451 and sat here with a cup of tea.
I must admit they also giving me 'bounce' friends say I am my old chatterbox self,not sure if its the unseasonal spring weather,the daylight increasing,or these pills...I feel positively manic at times....bordering on high lol.
Appetite is raging,its difficult stopping nibbling,as soon as I feel well enough,I want to be hiking to remove these 2 stones almost that I have put on this past 18months,its not me at all carrying a 'stomach',friends say it suits me,but I have kept toned all my life,why spoil it at 60.

Its nice starting a week with a diary clear of medical appointments,it wears your soul down,one appointment after another,another department,yet another professional to chat too,but as I said before,how wonderful we have these dedicated people,and how great the NHS...ok...we all knock it at times,but when something serious rears its ugly head,it all swings into place,for that I am eternally grateful,thank you everyone,and thank YOU all my friends for your unfaultering support,with the exception of the odd 'fair weather friend ' your support pulled me through.Its the same throughout life,thats why we have our little 'boxes' marked friends,marked acquaintances.
I bet I fall asleep on the bus later lol I have to go shopping to collect a Easter gift and a birthday card for a dear friend,I might get a get well soon as she is ill again.
Cheerio for now,love you all.

Monday 16 March 2009


Well then,

Went today to Dr Raashed clinic at Airedale,he had a couple of medical students,I dont mind them being there if it helps their education to cure people in the future.
He was pleased at the way it has gone,with results of bronchoscope,and scan pictures although he has reservations hes not 100% sure of,thats the impression I get.
He's recommending another PET scan to see if there are any positive cell clusters lurking elsewhere in my body,if so,then it will be chemotherapy.

I have just finished a course of anti biotic for a chest infection,so the PET will be arranged for 4 weeks,in the meantime,a course of steroids in preparation for 3 weeks.
As long as I dont start eating more or putting on weight,I had put on 3 pounds in the past 3 weeks.
Had a blood test today too,he wanted to check cancer markers this is why (dont forget to hold down Ctrl key (bottom left corner) before left clicking a link,or you will leave the page).

Its a case of the intense radiotherapy fried the lung... so its extremely difficult getting X-Ray pics through the fibrous tissue..(like an old leather bag) lol
Thats why he has to rely on bronchoscopes and pet scans

Thanks everyone for the support,fingers crossed.

Incidentally,he wants me to attend a cancer team meeting,to give my opinions,good OR bad on the treatments and practices I have encountered this past year,for some reason he says I am intelligent lol

Am awaiting letter of invitation and transport arranged for me too,in the educational suite on 30th March

Will let you all know...(I asked if tea and biccies (he laughed) lol wait till he gets my bill for consultancy services) hahahaha

Monday 9 March 2009


Well now,

As I said about my bronchoscope the other week,the consultant Dr Raashed told me,if they found cause for concern,they would ring me on the Friday to make appointment to the Monday clinic to discuss it.
I never got any calls or letters so we all thought GREAT....

Early today,patient transport arrived to take me to his clinic,I never knew anything about it,no calls,no letters,nothing...the driver couldn't wait as I wasn't ready,as I knew nothing at all about it.
I rang his secretary and the clinic to tell them,they said letter was sent on the 25th, the day after my bronchoscope, so it must be urgent!!!it must be lost in the post.
They are telling Dr Raashed and I hope he can arrange for NEXT Monday.....mean while,I am seeing my GP tomorrow,so maybe he can tell me any results.

More fingers crossed please

Dam,Dam...I was getting so pleased too