
Monday 23 March 2009


Well..... these steroids... they make me insomniac,been awake since 3am,its 0451 and sat here with a cup of tea.
I must admit they also giving me 'bounce' friends say I am my old chatterbox self,not sure if its the unseasonal spring weather,the daylight increasing,or these pills...I feel positively manic at times....bordering on high lol.
Appetite is raging,its difficult stopping nibbling,as soon as I feel well enough,I want to be hiking to remove these 2 stones almost that I have put on this past 18months,its not me at all carrying a 'stomach',friends say it suits me,but I have kept toned all my life,why spoil it at 60.

Its nice starting a week with a diary clear of medical appointments,it wears your soul down,one appointment after another,another department,yet another professional to chat too,but as I said before,how wonderful we have these dedicated people,and how great the NHS...ok...we all knock it at times,but when something serious rears its ugly head,it all swings into place,for that I am eternally grateful,thank you everyone,and thank YOU all my friends for your unfaultering support,with the exception of the odd 'fair weather friend ' your support pulled me through.Its the same throughout life,thats why we have our little 'boxes' marked friends,marked acquaintances.
I bet I fall asleep on the bus later lol I have to go shopping to collect a Easter gift and a birthday card for a dear friend,I might get a get well soon as she is ill again.
Cheerio for now,love you all.

1 comment:

rea said... know i have read all your story-i will PM you in a different place((HUGS))xx. Rea