
Tuesday 29 April 2008

Tuesday PET scan

Oh well..... I went for my PET scan today,its a nuclear material fixed on a glucose IntraVeinous line,then wait an hour,so the cancer cells,being twice as active,will detect the glucose first,and frenzy feed,therefore,they will take the nuclear material up and show up on the deep scan first.

Its the way to detect if my cancer has spread...I see my Consultant Friday 1420...its my birthday,so I hope he gives me a gift of it hasnt spread beyond the left lung,and he wants to allow an operation...with some chemo,he says he then can give me 15% of survival chance in 5 years...without I got 6-9 + a further 3-6 if chemo as well....fingers crossed.

I just was thinking,looking at looking good naked on TV....if mothers milk is so full of antibodies etc...I wonder if I started drinking it,will I get a cure........any volunteers anyone lololl

Monday 28 April 2008

Updated with picture too.....

Well...... I guess the day the consultant told me,I had cancer,I may have been slightly dazed and bewildered,plus his LCD screen was at a difficult angle to see from where I was sitting opposite him,so its maybe NOT like a new birth,a round babies head tight in the tube....(or was that all in my mind,something new growing inside me??? !!!)Or as some might say... fanny on my mind lololl hahaha

Anyway,hes sent me an email with the bronchoscope picture as I requested,its on the left..

I have a full in depth scan tomorrow taking several hours,and if on Friday,when I see the consultant at 1420 (my birthday),he sees there has been no spreading elsewhere in my body,he will recomend a surgeons opinion.

St James hospital Leeds has already called with an initial appointment for May 9th at 1020,so we will see...I know already,that symptoms are moving fast,its suprising me,mind you,he did say it will double every month,and its a month since he said that.

God bless you all for the great support Im getting....cheers chink chink

Loves you all..........x

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Updates after Monday

Well.... I saw the consultant today for my results,he said I had a Non Small Cell Lung Cancer of the squamous cell type,he showed me a photo he took during biopsy last week,it suprised me as I always imagined cancers as a big monsterous angry mess but this looked like a little new flesh coloured smooth ball sat neatly in the entrance to my left lung,the bronchii,Sat in the neck of the tube it looked like a baby's head just showing at labour,strange my thoughts,and NO,I dont have fannies on my mind lol.
He told me without treatment,I may have 6 - 9 months,with chemo,maybe can add 3 - 6 months,what he would like to see is if its spread elsewhere,if not,he wants a surgeons opinion as to if its operable.
That opinion is critical as I already had lung surgery in 1980 on my right lung,and they considering the risk factors on whether the remaining lung would be strong enough should they remove the left .

I need to await a phone call,telling of appointment either at Bradford,or Leeds,for an in depth scan,then after the results,a team meeting to put all the cards on the table,either way,its all going to happen in the next 6 weeks.

He also told me he thought the tumour had ran 70 - 80% of its course,and that maybe it had been growing 18 months,this accounts for a lot of symptoms this last 15 months,including calling out the emergengy doctor one night late,last January 2007.

My one regret is seeing so many of my friends becoming upset over me,I never in my life wanted anyone to have hurt caused by me,and I know its not my fault,but Im hating seeing so much pain...Im sorry,I truly am.

Sunday 6 April 2008

Update to misery

After a while of extra illness I decided to go to my GP as I felt so wretched...I was waking at night with a feeling of drowning.My cough wouldnt go away,feet ankles calves swelling with fluid,breathless on slightest excersions.
They did all the usual tests and a X Ray,and on Thursday 3rd April 2008 my GP called me to see her earlier than appointed time.

She apologized and said that I have lung cancer lower lobe left lung and the bronchii...shes put me 'fast track' to Airdale Hospital Steeton,to get a CT scan to determine its extent and what if any treatment can be offered.She set up a patients helpline 24/7 and hopes I will be ok as I live alone,I told her I been alone most of my life and had to sort everything out,of course I will....its better alone as no one can see you cry whenever you want to...

So much for my new life and the misery goes on.....