
Friday 31 December 2010

Old year-New

Hello everyone...

I know I have not posted for some time but I think that you all have your own lives to lead and don't really need my drivel of daily boredom.

I said in a poem early in this blogspot,that unless I have something important,I will not just post daily drivel .
I think tonight is the exception,it is New Years Eve 2010/2011 and once again I find myself so very grateful that I am still alive to celebrate.

Your prayers,thoughts and good wishes continue to feed my support and for that I thank you...God Bless.

May I wish you and your families and friends the very very best for 2011,from the bottom of my heart I thank you all

Happy New Year

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Had appointment with respiratory clinic today,after X new growth on the X Ray,he seemed really pleased,wants to see me in 6 months...I said "are you saying I'm in remission?" he said I was but nothing is guaranteed.(I know that lol)
Also met Janet Harrison's replacement who seems a really nice sister....had a chat with her and got her new number.

So my friends....the day has finally arrived...I had to give it a good kicking but with science and a great medical team,and prayers and support of you all,I'm here
Thank you all so much,God bless you all.
Will keep this journal active for those interested.

Tarra for now
tra la lala la lalala la tra la la (skips off into the sunset).........................................

Wednesday 18 August 2010


Today I visited George's bench to put fresh flowers,then I visited my church to pray and light candles in my prayer corner.
I was so upset to find that the rosary/crucifix I bought online 5 years ago from a shop in Jerusalem,which as all my friends know,was draped over the cross on the small altar,was missing.
Apparently it was stolen a few weeks ago,but seeing as my ankle break had limited my mobility,I never noticed it missing.
Dr Neil our Vicar tells me it went missing 3 weeks ago,so I went home and ordered a new one from the shame shop in Israel,this one in Olive wood from the mount of Olives.
I will put the picture on my blog when it has arrived and been blessed.
I guess the person who took it...maybe needed help with faith more than me,MY faith is in my heart.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Mark visited

My youngest son Mark visited this week,no option really as it's the only way my ex can get away on her holiday as she dare not leave him alone in her house.
We went walking today,the few hours whilst he was sober,I fell in Skipton Woods spent 3 hours A&E Airedale...broken ankle dam,dam,dam

Thats all I can say

Thursday 17 June 2010

Clinic day

Well....just to keep this journal going and to let people know the care teams train rumbles I had heart clinic,as I still have the sarcoma pressing against a valve stopping it closing properly.

All kinds of machines wired up and breathing gas mixtures etc,felt a bit battered afterwards but am still here.
My GP and consultant should get test results in 2 weeks,which should coincide with my return from Hull.
It's a year since George passed away on July 2nd,and I am going through to have a little graveside memorial service...I still miss him so much

Cheerio friends
God bless

Friday 28 May 2010

Oncology day....

Well here we are another day and another Oncologist examination.....but what great news,she told me she's VERY pleased at my recovery level considering I was at death's door 2 years ago....she told me to carry on as I am but I'm not a fool and I must listen to my body.The cancer is still there but has been fried along with the left lung,it is now a matter of living according to my new limitations of chest and heart.
She has handed me over to the chest consultant and his team,and she said shes happy to see me again in 6 months

SIX MONTHS!!!!!!! yippeeeeee thats brilliant,I was so pleased she got one of my hugs,I was so happy I nearly welled up,but held it together..... Just to think in 2 years I have gone from 6 months to live to...." I will see you in 6 months"......oh yes...I am well pleased...

You see my friends,it is ok saying carry on doing good,but it's not only me but my faith and the prayers and support of you my friends,so thank you all and God bless you all.....
Love to you all

Sunday 23 May 2010

Hot weather

Oh well it had to happen,first time for years we have good hot weather and I'm complaining lol....typical British reaction I guess hahaha....

On a serious note,it's the first time since this illness that the weather has been hot and the issues that I often used to read about have become appropriate to my life.

Breathing is difficult after my treatment,now its a nightmare in this heat,and my heart problem,it is a nightmare trying to get it to work properly keeping my body cool.
Been awake most of the night and I'm exhausted...phew.... roll on Autumn/winter...I never HAVE been a summer person even when young and fit,in fact as a teen in the Royal Navy I hated the Gulf when stationed there on duty in the 60's.

At least I can make my way to a cold shower room,some people cannot,so for that reason,I once again,count my blessings.
Take care everyone,drink lots of liquids,but NOT alcohol lol

Monday 10 May 2010

Well here we are

Visited my chest specialist today and the X Ray showed no new growth so I am so pleased.
I have to go again soon for a lung volume test and then see my oncologist May 28th,looking forwards to that,as all you followers of my blog know,shes gorgeous lol...and I'm old and getting fat lol...they weighed me today,I thought that involved me on scales whilst they read out 12stone 10 lbs (heaviest I been ,no exercise now) but they grabbed hold of one of my man boobs ,one in each hand and screamed

What a laugh...I'm going crazy but you all love me

Tarra for now
Take care of yourselves for me as I take care of MYSELF for you

Sunday 2 May 2010

Happy Birthday

Well its here,
Yet another birthday that they said I would not see,I'm 62 today,thank you all my friends old & new for your good wishes,thoughts and messages of support,it is heart warming,
Might wear my new shoes today,just to go shopping in lol,acts of defiance continue lol


Monday 1 February 2010

Well... It's February....again.....

And I never thought I would get the chance to see it but here am I....I feel so fortunate,so privileged when so many I have met on this journey have not made it...God rest your souls,you battled so hard against the alien....x

Well... if you have read earlier blogs of things I wanted to milestones in my life,there were lots... as you saw,but they were immediate ones,I never dreamt of looking at long shots such as revisiting places from my youth days in the Royal Navy except the Aberfan thing and HMS Belfast....this morning I turned on my tv to GMTV and those who know me know I hate football (yes I know it's odd for a man) all the recent talk of World Cup and the build up to it's fever I blanked out...until this was from a place of my youth....a happier place, Port Elizabeth,South Africa,apparently they are reporting from all the areas around the Cape,it is where I have happy memories from my Navy days,so I guess I better start watching World Cup reports...I can always turn off the soccer bit hahahaha.Looking forwards to seeing Simonstown,Lorenzo Marx,East London,Capetown,etc.etc...come on you reds lololllll...

Tarra folks,don't forget St Valentine visits this month

Friday 22 January 2010

New Shoes

Well it's the new year,my tailor wrote to me with a offer,buy one pair get one pair free due to severe winter and recession.
I thought,not a offer to refuse,hand made Italian leather shoes at half price,my last pair lasted 24 years,granted I only wore them as dress shoes (chelsea boots) weddings,christenings ,funerals etc.

Its was mainly as a act of defiance really that I ordered them,thinking they will do for my birthday in May,if I am still beating the Alien.

Here they are....

Thursday 7 January 2010

Well,the end of another chapter,George's headstone was erected on January 5th and I went through on Wednesday 6th to see it,and lay fresh flowers,I was REALLY pleased at the finished job...I am really pleased I researched online and found Shaun and Paul of SP Memorials, Hull,well done lads,you followed my wishes to the letter.
The top picture shows my youngest son Mark,George's brother......

George would have been delighted at the soaring Eagle....

God bless number one......

Sunday 3 January 2010

Happy New Decade

Here we are in another decade,a new year that I actually never expected to see AGAIN....there must be a God.

The world news over the holiday period brings more reports of terror,and it now seems the World leaders are going to take action on Yemen.
This is another thing I never expected to rear it's ugly head again in my lifetime,whether I had been ill or not,it is Yemen where...,as a young man in the Royal Navy...,I came under attack from Yemen terrorists.At the start of my blog,it states about one of my 'cat lives' being blown up,well,it was Aden,Yemen,that this happened,in the 60's...,I was on early morning guard duty with a friend,guarding a Royal Navy boat yard with a small wall around it,when,as usual,the school bus passed by on its weekday run with children onboard,I heard a 'PING' immediately realized a grenade had been activated,we shouted simultaneously GRENADE,both jumped over the little wall as it went THUMP...(a noise grenades exploding make lol).
We both lived to tell the tale,but it goes to show the lengths that terrorists took even in THOSE days even hiding in a school bus, if you need more info about the conflict it is HERE.
God protect and watch over all our service personnel and security services in their demanding jobs.