
Saturday 31 May 2008

Home from 'Jimmies'

Well my friends,
Just got home from Jimmies (Leeds University Teaching hospital),my surgery was pencilled in for 830am,then...after tests yesterday,Mr Milton (the boss)was not happy with the results.
The heart echo sounder ( Ultra sound) detected a heart fault,they suspect at some time I have had a 'silent' heart attack,or 28 years of high blood pressure has caused a valve fault.... Theboss (Mr Milton) sought a strong set of second opinions from my team,even though,two weeks ago,he told me,one negative and I fail...he so wanted to help me.

He called the anaesthetist in to see me early today,and re pencilled in my operation as last on the list,so they could prepare for the worse (ie messing about unhurried).

They said it was looking more and more risky for me,and that they could take me to theatre,and without cutting,could simulate my body conditions as if in surgery,to measure risks,they could also,use the cardiologist from my team,to put maximum strain on my heart,to see its 'breaking' point under controlled conditions,They could also keyhole cut and simulate a lung removal with its associated stresses,but once opened up,no going back,the tumour is growing too near my heart and dont give enough ' clearance' as the boss says.

Anyway....Mr Brown the anaesthetist called at 630 am to chat....he took all the risks,and problems into account,and decided in favour of the rest of the teams decision.that they dont want to create a 'ghost' of a man,sat in a chair,with a oxygen mask,looking out of the window,at the hills he once climbed...(I said neither do I )...the chances were that following the operation,very shortly afterwards could be a respitory failure in the only half remaining of my right lung.
To that purpose,they all refused to risk the operation...they are writing my notes up with a recommendation for chemo and/or radiology....I agreed with them....Im a proud person as those of you who are close enough know and hate the thought of losing my independence and dignity.

So...the saga continues....I will keep you all updated

PS... on another ps,,, my correct oxygen machine was delivered Thursday by Kevin (Air Products UK Ltd) it works a treat,and its running costs are credited each quarter to my power account with EON.
A few of you asked me what a concentrator is so here is a link and you will see it

Thanks everyone for the prayers/thoughts and might not think they worked...but maybe,they helped a correct decision to be made and my life extended even by a few months...Thanks guys...your the bloody best.....

Saturday 24 May 2008

Saturday May 24th update

Well my friends,
I had my oxygen cylinder delivered this week,but due to a misunderstanding,they brought a cylinder (bottle) instead of a concentrator
A concentrator is similar to a small de humidifier,it takes atmosphere,scrubs it,removes C02 and creates oxygen,as and when needed.
They re-ordered and it should arrive this week,the company who do all the air work for the NHS are Air Products UK Ltd,their staff are all vetted and seem quite caring as well as efficient.So 10/10 to them,well done Kevin.

A few friends and aquaintances have asked if there is a video anywhere of the surgical procedure they are planning,well.... I have found a medical instructional video for the not so squeamish,the link is on todays update.
Its called a left Pneumonectomy,as I had a right upper lobectomy in 1980,which in those days was much more brutal lol.

Ok.... heres the link,I will update before the week ends Im sure,thanks again all of you for the cards,crystals,angels,angel feathers and the txt and telephone support,its been a god send,I love you all

ps if you click on the link,it will take you out of the blog,you will need to back arrow to return to the blog if you have not finished getting bored by me hahaha

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Wednesday 14th May 2008 update

Well my friends,
The dedication plate was delivered today,and,as a few of you wanted to see it,here is what it looks like.
Hope its a long time before its fixed to the railway station bench.

You can see the reflection of the old style gas lamp on one picture,above the bench,the other picture shows it being held in place on the back rest of the bench,I am reassured that the finger prints on the brass will be polished off when fitted hahaha.

Friday 9 May 2008

Friday May 9th update

Hello everyone,
Just having a cup of tea,1730 and been out since 0755 this morning,I went to see the Chest surgeon Mr Milton.

What a nice guy,put me right at ease...he explained he was not prepared to take the risk on me having a poor quality of life if he removed the left lung,it would mean only half a lung supporting me.
He agreed I look fit enough to operate on,and that I looked after myself with a healthy life,so...he wanted lots of tests done,he knows I had them all done at another hospital,but he has confidence in his own team,own equipment,own interpretations of readings,so I went through 9 tests in 5 departments.

He told me,in a few weeks time,he wants me to do them all again,and...if hes happy,and his team are happy,hes going to try to remove the left lung and 'nip' off the artery....if I agree.

He said surgery today is not as barbaric as what I had on my right lung in 1980,and apart from that...hes a better surgeon then the late K.K.Nair who performed my right thoracic,with lots of post op problems such as drain pipes ripped on on stretcher hook ups,inserting another drain only to find it was a catheter and they should have not even BEEN on a thoracic ward,,,, still it was fun at the time watching a student nurse faint onto the foot of my bed and be carried out in the fresh air.

I have so many stories....if only you all knew.

Anyway....for obvious reasons,I am not going to state the dates on here of possible surgery,or the hospital I will be admitted to...suffice that my very close friends know in person not from reading my blog.

I feel more positive...thank you all for the thoughts,emails,angel feathers,angels,crystals,cards etc etc etc,,,it warms me so much and I love you all..........................

I also asked my surgeon...did you choose surgery cos you wanted to heal people,or for the money....he said theres no money in thoracic surgery....he got hooked as a lad watching Quincy on telly....but decided it would be nicer operating on living people not forensic cadavers....I said thats all I wanted to know.......he said dont fret...Im going to save your life.....I smiled...shook his hand and said.....see thee......

Monday 5 May 2008

Mayday Bank holiday,the bench and some of its views

Well..... its been not too bad a few days,some nights I slept,some nights I never....but the goodness I feel from my friends contacting me is the best I have ever felt in my life....I thank you all from the very depths of my heart.
I have been thinking this past few days,of an idea I had a while ago,long before this health problem started.
I was hiking up on the old highway,top of Constitution Hill,very steep climb,and in a short space of time,you are leaning on a dry stone wall,looking down over Settle,my church,and the beautiful countryside,with the Lake district hills in the distance.

I remember saying,if I die,I would like a bench up here along with a few others who had had the same idea.

Well.... now all this health scare started,I decided to find out more,and e mailed Settle Town Clerk,the replies pointed out facts of council liability,insurance,specifications this that and the other,and a sum in the region of £1600 or there abouts....I only wanted a dedication plaque or something.
Then...on Saturday,awaiting a train,as usual,sat on my usual bench on Settles beautiful village Station,it suddenly occured to me,some benches had dedication plaques on them!!!!!!
I asked Geoff,one of the volunteers who keep our station immaculate,and he told me its practically free and who to contact....the results being...after a few emails to the (FOSCL) Friends Of Settle Carlisle Line,I have arranged a brass plaque for the bench I usually wait at,either sitting or pacing impatiently,awaiting a train.....its the seat on the left,as you pass underneath the overtrack bridge,on the South bound to Leeds platform,it is positioned in front of a modified old fashioned street lamp which stands in a flower border,(ample space for birthday flowers lol)

The plaque will read ...

I hope all my friends will remember where it is when they visit Settle walking.x

Friday 2 May 2008

My birthday news 2nd May 2008

Oh we are...1800 on May 2nd,just returned from seeing my consultant Dr Rasheed,to get results of my deep scan....

He wasnt too pleased classified the tumour as T2 NO MO if you need more reading its online in lots places....

So...its not good news,my cancer is big,and it looks as if its
invading my main artery....only the surgeon will know
in 3-4 weeks when he opens me up...if he can scape it
free and remove lung,then,with chemo,I can have a 15%
chance of a 3-5 year span,if its too attached to main
artery,then he will stitch me back up,give a course of
chemo,and wait till it takes its course,9 to 12 months
if Im lucky....we can only wait see.

Dont worry...there were lots of people in the chest
clinic,I felt sorry for them,they looked to be in
pain.....they shoot horses dont they!!!

So thats my update for you all.........keep fingers crossed

Surgery will be at St James hospital Leeds in the next 3-4 weeks,by Mr Milton....

Tarra for now xx