
Friday 2 May 2008

My birthday news 2nd May 2008

Oh we are...1800 on May 2nd,just returned from seeing my consultant Dr Rasheed,to get results of my deep scan....

He wasnt too pleased classified the tumour as T2 NO MO if you need more reading its online in lots places....

So...its not good news,my cancer is big,and it looks as if its
invading my main artery....only the surgeon will know
in 3-4 weeks when he opens me up...if he can scape it
free and remove lung,then,with chemo,I can have a 15%
chance of a 3-5 year span,if its too attached to main
artery,then he will stitch me back up,give a course of
chemo,and wait till it takes its course,9 to 12 months
if Im lucky....we can only wait see.

Dont worry...there were lots of people in the chest
clinic,I felt sorry for them,they looked to be in
pain.....they shoot horses dont they!!!

So thats my update for you all.........keep fingers crossed

Surgery will be at St James hospital Leeds in the next 3-4 weeks,by Mr Milton....

Tarra for now xx

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